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One of the greatest pieces of advice I have heard about starting my day right was to start small. You set the tone for the entire day by taking and improving on one small step after another. Over time, these small steps will turn into habits that benefit your mind and body, and also help you accomplish more throughout your day. Sounds good, right? Read on for some Happy & Healthy Morning Rituals we all like to practice here at MindPlace. Note: these are small steps, add one, or all, but also feel free to take it slow and no pressure.  

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Our brain’s ability to become flexible and transition through various brain wave patterns plays a large role in how successful we are at managing stress, focusing on tasks, and getting a good night’s sleep. Each brain wave pattern serves a purpose to help us cope with various situations – whether it is to help us process and learn new information or help us calm down after a long stressful day. The five brain waves in order of highest frequency to lowest are gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta.

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